Source code for model_partial_ner.utils

.. module:: Utils
    :synopsis: Utils
.. moduleauthor:: Liyuan Liu, Jingbo Shang
import numpy as np
import torch
import json

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.init

[docs]def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, lr): """ Shrink learning rate for pytorch """ for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr
[docs]def to_scalar(var): """ Turn the first element of a tensor to scalar """ return var.view(-1).item()
[docs]def evaluate_chunking(iterator, ner_model, none_idx): """ Evaluate the chunking performance. Parameters ---------- iterator : ``iterator``, required. Dataset loader. ner_model : ``torch.nn.Module`` , required. Sequence labeling model for evaluation. none_idx: ``int``, required. The index for the not-target-type entities. """ gold_count = 0 guess_count = 0 overlap_count = 0 ner_model.eval() for word_t, char_t, chunk_mask, chunk_label, type_mask, type_label in iterator: output = ner_model(word_t, char_t, chunk_mask) chunk_score = ner_model.chunking(output) pred_chunk = (chunk_score < 0.0) if <= 1: golden_labels = ner_model.to_span(type_mask.cpu(), type_label.cpu(), none_idx) gold_count += len(golden_labels) else: type_score = ner_model.typing(output, pred_chunk) max_score, pred_type = type_score.max(dim = 1) pred_labels = ner_model.to_span(pred_chunk.long().cpu(), pred_type.long().cpu(), none_idx) golden_labels = ner_model.to_span(type_mask.long().cpu(), type_label.long().cpu(), none_idx) gold_count += len(golden_labels) guess_count += len(pred_labels) overlap_count += len(golden_labels & pred_labels) pre = overlap_count / (float(guess_count) + 0.000001) rec = overlap_count / (float(gold_count) + 0.000001) f1 = 2 * pre * rec / (pre + rec + 0.000001) return pre, rec, f1
[docs]def evaluate_typing(iterator, ner_model, none_idx): """ Evaluate the typing performance. Parameters ---------- iterator : ``iterator``, required. Dataset loader. ner_model : ``torch.nn.Module`` , required. Sequence labeling model for evaluation. none_idx: ``int``, required. The index for the not-target-type entities. """ gold_count = 0 guess_count = 0 overlap_count = 0 ner_model.eval() for word_t, char_t, chunk_mask, chunk_label, type_mask, type_label in iterator: output = ner_model(word_t, char_t, chunk_mask) pred_chunk = (chunk_label <= 0.0) if <= 1: golden_labels = ner_model.to_typed_span(type_mask.cpu(), type_label.cpu(), none_idx) gold_count += len(golden_labels) else: type_score = ner_model.typing(output, pred_chunk) max_score, pred_type = type_score.max(dim = 1) pred_labels = ner_model.to_typed_span(pred_chunk.long().cpu(), pred_type.long().cpu(), none_idx) golden_labels = ner_model.to_typed_span(type_mask.long().cpu(), type_label.long().cpu(), none_idx) gold_count += len(golden_labels) guess_count += len(pred_labels) overlap_count += len(golden_labels & pred_labels) pre = overlap_count / (float(guess_count) + 0.000001) rec = overlap_count / (float(gold_count) + 0.000001) f1 = 2 * pre * rec / (pre + rec + 0.000001) return pre, rec, f1
[docs]def evaluate_ner(iterator, ner_model, none_idx, id2label): """ Evaluate the NER performance. Parameters ---------- iterator : ``iterator``, required. Dataset loader. ner_model : ``torch.nn.Module`` , required. Sequence labeling model for evaluation. none_idx: ``int``, required. The index for the not-target-type entities. """ gold_count = 0 guess_count = 0 overlap_count = 0 ner_model.eval() type2gold, type2guess, type2overlap = {}, {}, {} for word_t, char_t, chunk_mask, chunk_label, type_mask, type_label in iterator: output = ner_model(word_t, char_t, chunk_mask) chunk_score = ner_model.chunking(output) pred_chunk = (chunk_score < 0.0) if <= 1: golden_labels = ner_model.to_typed_span(type_mask.cpu(), type_label.cpu(), none_idx, id2label) gold_count += len(golden_labels) else: type_score = ner_model.typing(output, pred_chunk) max_score, pred_type = type_score.max(dim = 1) pred_labels = ner_model.to_typed_span(pred_chunk.long().cpu(), pred_type.long().cpu(), none_idx, id2label) golden_labels = ner_model.to_typed_span(type_mask.long().cpu(), type_label.long().cpu(), none_idx, id2label) gold_count += len(golden_labels) guess_count += len(pred_labels) overlap_count += len(golden_labels & pred_labels) for label in golden_labels: entity_type = label.split('@')[0] type2gold[entity_type] = type2gold.get(entity_type, 0) + 1 for label in pred_labels: entity_type = label.split('@')[0] type2guess[entity_type] = type2guess.get(entity_type, 0) + 1 for label in golden_labels & pred_labels: entity_type = label.split('@')[0] type2overlap[entity_type] = type2overlap.get(entity_type, 0) + 1 pre = overlap_count / (float(guess_count) + 0.000001) rec = overlap_count / (float(gold_count) + 0.000001) f1 = 2 * pre * rec / (pre + rec + 0.000001) type2pre, type2rec, type2f1 = {}, {}, {} for entity_type in type2gold: type2pre[entity_type] = type2overlap.get(entity_type, 0) / float(type2guess.get(entity_type, 0) + 0.000001) type2rec[entity_type] = type2overlap.get(entity_type, 0) / float(type2gold.get(entity_type, 0) + 0.000001) type2f1[entity_type] = 2 * type2pre[entity_type] * type2rec[entity_type] / (type2pre[entity_type] + type2rec[entity_type] + 0.000001) return pre, rec, f1, type2pre, type2rec, type2f1
[docs]def init_embedding(input_embedding): """ Initialize embedding """ bias = np.sqrt(3.0 / input_embedding.size(1)) nn.init.uniform_(input_embedding, -bias, bias)
[docs]def init_linear(input_linear): """ Initialize linear transformation """ bias = np.sqrt(6.0 / (input_linear.weight.size(0) + input_linear.weight.size(1))) nn.init.uniform_(input_linear.weight, -bias, bias) if input_linear.bias is not None:
[docs]def init_lstm(input_lstm): """ Initialize lstm """ for ind in range(0, input_lstm.num_layers): weight = eval('input_lstm.weight_ih_l'+str(ind)) bias = np.sqrt(6.0 / (weight.size(0)/4 + weight.size(1))) nn.init.uniform_(weight, -bias, bias) weight = eval('input_lstm.weight_hh_l'+str(ind)) bias = np.sqrt(6.0 / (weight.size(0)/4 + weight.size(1))) nn.init.uniform_(weight, -bias, bias) if input_lstm.bias: for ind in range(0, input_lstm.num_layers): weight = eval('input_lstm.bias_ih_l'+str(ind))[input_lstm.hidden_size: 2 * input_lstm.hidden_size] = 1 weight = eval('input_lstm.bias_hh_l'+str(ind))[input_lstm.hidden_size: 2 * input_lstm.hidden_size] = 1