Source code for model_partial_ner.object

.. module:: Objective function
    :synopsis: fuzzy objective function
.. moduleauthor:: Liyuan Liu, Jingbo Shang

import torch
import torch.autograd as autograd
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import itertools
import numpy as np
import random

[docs]class softCE(nn.Module): """ The objective function for the distant supervised typing. Parameters ---------- if_average : ``bool``, optional, (default = True). Whether to average over batches or not. """ def __init__(self, if_average = True): super(softCE, self).__init__() self.logSoftmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim = 1) self.if_average = if_average
[docs] @staticmethod def soft_max(vec, mask): """ Calculate the softmax for the input with regard to a mask. Parameters ---------- vec : ``torch.FloatTensor``, required. The input of the softmax. mask : ``torch.ByteTensor`` , required. The mask for the softmax input. """ batch_size = vec.size(0) max_score, idx = torch.max(vec, 1, keepdim=True) exp_score = torch.exp(vec - max_score.expand_as(vec)) # exp_score = exp_score.masked_fill_(mask, 0) exp_score = exp_score * mask exp_score_sum = torch.sum(exp_score, 1).view(batch_size, 1).expand_as(exp_score) prob_score = exp_score / exp_score_sum return prob_score
[docs] def forward(self, scores, target): """ Calculate the cross entropy loss for distant supervision. Parameters ---------- scores : ``torch.FloatTensor``, required. The input of the softmax. target : ``torch.ByteTensor`` , required. The target as the mask for the softmax input. """ supervision_p = softCE.soft_max(scores, target) scores_logp = self.logSoftmax(scores) CE = (-supervision_p * scores_logp).sum() if self.if_average: CE = CE / scores.size(0) return CE
[docs]def hinge_loss(score, label): """ Hinge loss for distant supervision. """ ins_num = label.size(0) score = 1 - score * label return score.masked_select(score > 0).sum() / ins_num